While Mayor Caldwell caters to developer interests along Ala Moana Blvd. the people using Ala Moana Beach Park protest his catered affair at Iolani Palace.

We need more green space - more park land - not amenity amusement parks for the children of the rich.

Climate change - considered by many as the most important issue facing humanity.

Protests continue against the building of a new Thirty-Meter Telescope (TMT) on this sacred mountain.

Good question, but no answers coming from City Hall.

The Mayor has lost the support of the people.

Calling for the end of U.S.A. occupation of the Hawaiian Nation.

Save our Sherwoods: The Mayor attends meetings but does what he wants.

Simple message - take care of what we have.

Message for the Mayor.

The Ala Wai Project includes Makiki, Mānoa, and Pālolo streams, which flow to the Ala Wai Canal, a 2-mile-long, man-made waterway constructed during the 1920s to drain extensive coastal wetlands.

Almost 9,000 people have signed an online petition in opposition to a multi-million-dollar plan to build a new sports field complex at the beach park, located on land known as Sherwood Forest.

Save Ala Moana Beach Park Hui members express their frustration with the Caldwell administration.

One protester with two messages - Save Sherwoods and no telescope on Mauna Kea.

Many issues, no trust.

No Hear - No Care, that is what brings us to the streets.

'Nuff Already!!!

The Ala Wai Canal Project includes several upstream detention basins in our valleys and a 4' reinforced concrete wall around portions of the Ala Wai Canal.

The current $345 million plan is designed to protect primarily Waikiki, while leaving other mauka areas unprotected.

The Ala Moana Beach Park Project allows developers to build a 500-capacity children's amusement park instead of providing more park land.

The "World Class Playground" is a marketing ploy by developers who want to sell their condos and provide an amenity for their clients.

There is a floodgate alternative that is significantly less costly, less detrimental to the environment, and poses less of a threat to residents' property.

We are NOT AGAINST flood mitigation or the protection of Waikiki; but it must be done through less invasive means.

Detention basins are poor methods for flood protection. Up to 1000 feet of natural stream will be dug up to construct EACH basin.

We urge the public to sign this petition to call attention to the United States Army Corp of Engineers and demand a change in current plans.

Impeach - the Mayor's ill advised and poorly planned projects are raising our taxes.

Improve what we have so that those who live here can continue to enjoy their island.

We need to protect our beach parks and improve current uses.

Protect Mauna Kea.

"Stand Guard Over the Mountain" - Native Hawaiians see the Thirty Meter Telescope as further desecration of their sacred mountain.

Police at the protest maintained a relaxed presence.

Members of Save Ala Moana Park Hui, Save Sherwoods, and Stop Ala Wai peacefully protest while their Mayor ignores them.

Caldwell's main problem - people who would otherwise be spending a quiet Sunday evening at home are out protesting because he has lost their trust.

Ready to greet Mayor Caldwells guests from the US Mayor's Conference.

The Conference guests begin to arrive at Iolani Palace grounds; some look with interest.

Mayor Kent Guinn from Oscala Florida walks past the Hawaiian TMT protesters trying to ignore them.

Mayor Vandersteen from Sheboygan, Wisconsin closes his eyes.

Verg Bernero, former Mayor of Lansing, Michigan looks defiant as he videos the protest.

Guests enter Iolani Palace grounds.

Mayor Mark Pulido, Cerritos, California and his family stop briefly to listen.

Mayor Rich Waterman, Campbell, California (front, solid blue shirt).

Mayor Brad Sellers, Warrensville Heights, Ohio

Protesters against Mayor Caldwell seen by US Mayors.

US Conference of Mayors staff discuss protest issues with Bruce Lum.

A little music adds to the atmosphere of the protest.

As guests arrive they are met with calls enumerating the various protest issues.

Under the international laws of occupation, the aboriginal Hawaiian population of 322,812 in 2009 would continue to be 84% of the Hawaiian national population.

No Treaty, No Law, No Land.

City personnel and the Mayor's cabinet members acted as escorts and guides as the guests arrived.

Chant against Mayor Caldwell and his policies to arriving guests, most of whom looked uneasy as they tried to ignore what was all around them.

The People's Park - this is why Caldwell is getting so much resistance to his project at Ala Moana - he is pushing the People out of their park.

A call to keep Waimanalo country; residents do not want a regional multi-purpose sports park at Sherwoods.

Mayor Dee Margo, El Paso, Texas

Mayor Tom Butt, Richmond, California

Mayor Spencer Deno IV, Village of Virginia Gardens, Florida

Arriving conference guests pass through the protest line.

The US Conference of Mayors catered affair at Iolani Palace.

People arriving, flags flying, protesters yelling, and the Mayor hiding from the people.

Caldwell's "Polynesian" experience for his guests.

The City poorly maintains its present parks but the Mayor wants to build a multi-purpose sports complex at Sherwoods that will increase maintenance and operations costs.

Iolani Palace entrance surrounded by protesters.

If we had one message that our Mayor could/would hear....