The Kakaako section of Honolulu is light industrial and as unattractive as many like areas in cities around the world. However, POW WOW Hawaii has turned the area into an urban museum. Below you will find a variety of images that are painted on the buildings. They range from cartoon to artistic portraits and from the concrete to the abstract. Walking around Kakaako is a real treat - it is truly an aesthetic experience. Explore it either through the pictures below and/or by simply walking through the streets of Kakaako at your leisure. Obviously, I found it wondrous.

In some of the pictures I decided to integrate the painted image with its environment so that the art would not seem to be a foreign image grafted on to a building with no relation to its surroundings. For example, for this picture I include the before and after images. In others that follow you may notice how this integration was accomplished, e.g., with a light pole, parking meter, stop sign, person, car, etc. Just know, I had fun playing with the photos.

SH Auto Body Repair

White Hibiscus

Waikiki Brewing Company

(I particularly enjoyed camouflaging the light pole that stands in front of this painting.)

Honolulu Artistry, @MichelleHoogveld


(Dedicated to John F. who was motion.)

One of the ways I found to integrate the pictures with their surroundings was by somehow blending the people passing by with the image. In this picture two of my friends became part of the art as silhouettes reading he menu.

Felicia Galbaldon Art

Right time in the right place - what are the odds?

Initially, I noticed the reflection of the turtle on the side of the truck on the left and in the windows of the vehicles. That was the starting point for integrating the image and the environment.

Vape Supplies

Leda and the Swans

It would seem that Jesus no longer offers a way for those who have the need or interest. Unfortunately, too many of those who profess belief are passing laws that unequivocally establish THE WAY for all. Such incursion into civil society and oppression of “others” is not what I understand as “the Christian way.”
Q. What is the difference between a theocracy in Iran and one in the United States? A. The name of the god the oppressors claim to be the source of their truth. From my personal life experiences and my work in with anti-terrorism, I learned that there is no reasoning with a fanatic, especially a religious fanatic. I found the latter to be the most dangerous type of terrorist. We must get religion out of our civil lives, i.e., our laws and social institutions, and put it back into hearts, homes, churches, synagogues, temples, mosques, charitable organizations, etc. where it belongs. According to my meager understanding, religion is something that is accepted into one’s heart and mind and not something imposed on one by external forces, especially those carrying automatic firearms (“…and that’s all I have to say about that”).

(Too often there were parking meters in front of the pictures. Some I eliminated, some I camouflaged fully, while others, like this one, I just left a part.)

(Rear of Office Max)

Office Max

I found this image so amazing that I wanted to show it from another viewpoint.